Monday, March 23, 2015

Last Day Of School

The final day of last semester, I was tired and worn from staying up late multiple nights to study for finals. My face felt dry and crinkly, and the skin under my eyes folded into papery wrinkles. I threw an outfit together, one of comfort and ease. I find that I tend to not want to dress up when I'm tired. In a stab of defiance at my tiredness and of the lackluster world in general, I put on some bright lipstick in order to prove that I existed. Lipstick tends to be fussy and needs upkeep, something that is both annoying and endearing. Even if I have to check a mirror every few hours, at least it means I'm maintaining my look, no?

For all of that, I found that I quite liked how the outfit turned out and the lipstick definitely made the day better. I like how these photos captured me - tired, but loving the moment.

I find that red accessories make strong color points, and I especially love red with a deep navy blue. That blue wool sweater I found at a thrift store for probably $3, and I have been wearing it to the point where it is no longer part of my wardrobe, but rather a cool-weather necessity. It is so easy to grab and put on.

The hat makes another appearance. 

Is the tunic a dress, or is it a dress-like tunic? I thought it was a dress when I bought it, but with its extreme danger level of rising, especially in a breeze, I'm not sure I'd have the guts (or absolute cheeky shamelessness) to wear it bare-legged. Regardless, it worked perfectly with my skinny jeans and boots, and the plaid went so well with navy and red.

Sweater - thrifted, tunic - thrifted, scarf - no idea!, hat and jeans - Target, 
Boots and earrings - Modcloth

<3 The Magpie

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Black Widows In Tunnel

I have a natural enthusiasm it seems, of living that forceful vividness that overwhelms one so strongly. Life is beautiful, and I am swept up in awe and an uncontainable joyfulness that one's heart can fairly burst. Life is not without its bitter sorrow, and sometimes the nights are dark and long indeed, but for now, I'm soaking up the light and am full of happiness.

I love vintage dresses that have a certain fit, and this one is almost baby-doll, with a little gold-leaf print and a black lace trim. I took out the shoulder pads as I am not a fan of the broad-shoulder look, but I love how this dress fits and it is easy to run around in while still looking cute. (Which is always a plus, in my book!)

I also love these shoes.

I found the dress at a thriftstore (surprise, surprise) while the shoes were on discount from DSW. I love the multi-strap look to them - they actually have a zipper in the back though, so they are extremely easy to put on!

Can you see my feather hairclip? It's gorgeous.

Leaves are delicious?

Dress - thrifted, shoes - DSW, earrings - gift, hairclip - I forgot!