Tuesday, October 20, 2015

First Idea

This photo series was taken in late December, right around when the idea for creating a blog of sorts was fermenting in my mind. This was the first shoot I took with said blog in mind, so it's pretty cool  to see how much I've advanced from that, and how I made my idea a reality. Turning ideas into the real world always been a difficult thing for me to accomplish, so I'm rather proud of myself for making the effort. I always have so many ideas, but I rarely carry them through. As I've been growing older, I've been trying to discipline myself to carry out what I want to do, and not just waste my time on day-dreams. I'm sure many other people struggle with the same concepts, but it's always seemed to be a little harder for me. I just have this natural reluctance to set in motion plans or goals that I actually really want to accomplish! It has been this weird, self-inhibiting thing that I'm trying to work on. A self-help project, so to speak. I have many self-help projects, haha.

I'd like to do more as time goes on, but even putting up a new post every now and then is an accomplishment for me. As I go further along in life, I want to push myself to grow; both aesthetically and creatively. Having the outlet of a blog to focus on has been the needed push to motivate me to continue to create and to help me to overcome my lack of dream-accomplishing inertia . So even if it seems to be not much of anything, I'm just personally happy I've gotten this far. Yay for random internet spaces that make my (inner) world a better place! :)

Time to talk about the outfit now. Clearly my color-matchy impulses were still in full force, but I do feel like I have grown a bit, style-wise. I'm getting better at putting together outfits that aren't so obvious; by adding more textures, layers, or details to create more nuanced, thoughful look. It's been really fun to to grow and experiment with my personal style. When dressing a certain way stops being fun, I will probably stop having an interest in it. Happily, that has yet to happen. Still, this outfit feels very accessible, and is a quintessential "me" outfit. I wouldn't wear it again, namely since I have since donated the skirt, but the overall look will probably crop up here and there, with hopefully a little more edge.

Skirt, beret, bag - thrifted
Cardigan - Target
Boots - Modcloth
Earrings, necklace - Old Navy

<3 The Magpie

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