Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sunday Style: Blue July

There was a spectacular sunset two Sundays ago, and I had to run out to the field in our backyard to try and capture it. The detail and colors of sunsets (and skies in general) seem to never be translated completely over to photographs, but that doesn't stop us from trying. Who hasn't seen a sunset pic? (If you haven't, here you go, and you're welcome!)

You may have also noticed I include a lot of out-of-focus or "blurry" pictures. I find them interesting, if they look a certain way. There is an impressionistic-feel to them, a semblance of reality that starts to turn into something before our eyes, yet we are uncertain of its material form. I love the streaks and blurs of light and color that waver and turn, twisting the known static into a metamorphic exchange. Am I delving too deeply into the artistic mind? Perhaps I read too much into them, but I cannot help but write down what I think. Artists. We never learn. 

I love cobalt blue, and I have been planning to match this blue cardigan to this wrap-around skirt I found at a thrift store for quite awhile, but only recently (finally) pulled it out. I will probably wear both together again at school. I used to repeat favorite outfits more often, but it's become much more difficult - but only because I keep creating new ones. Sounds like a terrible trial, no? :)

Cardigan - Modcloth
Skirt - Thrifted
Sandals - DSW
Earrings - Old Navy

<3 The Magpie

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